I'm doing the next ISAR intensive on Saturday. Please find further details and how to register below: Owing to international Child Safeguarding guidelines, astrologers should not risk their practices by making themselves vulnerable to serious accusations that could come from working with unsupervised children. However, children (particularly adolescents) are often the people who raise the most concerns.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
ISAR Star Club Intensive. . .with me!
Thursday, 12 August 2021
FREE Back-to-School gift!
I hate to remind you but summer is almost finished and it's almost time to get ready to go back to school! I know you parents are happy! And all you teachers out there, I sympathise.
I have a little sweetener: a little gift especially for those who are parenting or teaching 12 year olds: a little PDF I put together to help you make the most of this important year of development. The link can be found here.
In the coming days, I will be writing my yearly back-to-school guide for all the Jupiter signs so you can start the new school year with a little help from the stars. Subscribe to my website to join my newsletter to keep on top of special offers.
In the coming days, I will be writing my yearly back-to-school guide for all the Jupiter signs so you can start the new school year with a little help from the stars. Subscribe to my website to join my newsletter to keep on top of special offers.
If you're an astrologer and you'd like to learn about how to support parents and their children with astrology, why not join me for the International Society of Astrological Research Intensive webinar starting in a few weeks?
More resources for parents and teachers
How could even think about starting the school year without knowing where Jupiter is this year? If you don't know where Jupiter is in your chart, then here's a free chart calculation service.
For just $19.99, you can order an Adolescent Astrology Report straight from my website. It's beautifully illustrated and is packed with important information about your child's potential so you can support them during the most critical time of their lives. You just enter your details, pay via PayPal and then download your report. It's that easy. Other types of reports also available.
My book "Growing Pains: Astrology in Adolescence" is packed full of information to help you understand how your child learns. You can buy it on Amazon or you can purchase a signed copy here. Here are some reviews.
If you'd like a family consultation, you can place your order here.
If you enjoy my work, you can now buy me a coffee so I can pass the donation onto a child who needs it.
Thank you for supporting astrology in education!
Sunday, 31 May 2020
June 2020 Newsletter
New Writing Goodies!
I had a dreadful nightmare the other night but astrology has helped me understand what was really bothering me. Full story on my website.I've been working on my fiction too. Lots of stuff on my website.
I just got my Mac out of repairs (after 6 months) so my website is positively burgeoning with new material.
I have A LOT of great new stuff coming out so I'll keep you informed here but why not join my newsletter via my website? You can get great deals on astrology consultations and a whole lot more such as classes on tarot, astrology and palmistry from me and other guest tutors. This month I'll be releasing two big articles: one on the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction which featured on Astrodienst and a very important article on reading astrology charts for children. Join my website so you can be one of the first to read!
In Other News!
With The Virus disrupting a lot of 'real world' meetings, most events are going online but there are still a few hopeful people out there who think we'll go back to being 'normal' soon. So please be patient with the uncertainties. We'll get there together.Lots of stuff happening this month of June 2020:
- an interview with The True Divination Podcast (coming out in July)
- an interview with ISAR Turkey
- a podcast with Radiant Astrology
- a webinar with Evolutionary Astrology on 18th June ("When a Flower Speaks") This group hosts FREE astrology events
- a webinar with Kepler College on Astrology and children's charts on 20 June 2020, 1-2:30pm PDT
And Just Check Out ISAR!!!
June 24@19:00 (Paris) with Alex Trenoweth and panel on Astrology and Education (in French, English and Serbian)
Events in July
- a Zoom lecture with Astrology Ireland on 3rd July (details to be announced soon)
- And later on 20 July. . .My birthday!!! An online event with friends from all over
Later in Autumn 2020
Kepler College: Full Course on working with charts of adolescents, starting 26/27 September
Coming Soon!
Monday, 23 April 2018
The Astrology of the New Royal Rebel (2)
And we have a baby boy!
With Jupiter in Scorpio, growth through learning is pursued with passion and intensity. My experience in teaching these learners is that it takes a little time to get them fired up, but once they are hooked on a topic, it can be hard to get them onto something else (more on Jupiter in Scorpio learners here). They tend to be good researchers and aren't afraid to explore where other explorers fear to tread. The Queens' MC and Saturn are conjunct the baby's Jupiter in the 4th--it would seem her work ethic will have quite an effect on his emotional life. Maybe he'll take his official duties a little too seriously.
Saturn is in rulership in Capricorn. This is discipline with a capital D. But this new baby has his Pluto and Mars conjunct Queen Elizabeth's ascendant (in Capricorn) so I'm thinking his Saturn opposition in 2033 (in Cancer) may have a little to do with shake ups in the family at this time (the Queen of course will probably not be in any shape to be on the throne and Prince Charles might not be in such great shape either--but the new baby does have his Sun conjunct Charles' North Node). The opposition also falls in the 6-12th house axis so there may be changes in duties during this time. During this time, T Saturn will be square to dad's Mars in Libra.
If the Royal family (or anyone else is interested in more information on the astrology of education, my book is available here!
copyright: Alex Trenoweth. Not to be published without permission of author.
Media enquiries on alex.trenoweth@gmail.com
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Embracing the Chaos
I still think we need a few more early nights! |
First time as a bridesmaid with my beautiful Ana in Cape Town |
With Dorothy and Ra: Number 1 travel companions! |
A true riot of colours and sounds and there was even a drone hovering around to take more photos |
How they set up a party in India! |
Lynn Bell and Maurice Fernandez letting loose! |
Everyone was dancing! |
I think it's fair to say they had no idea what they were getting themselves into |
I may not be much of a dancer but yes, even I got up to dance |
Now THIS is a proper DJ!! |
Christmas in Kolkata
Churi and I rocking around a Christmas Tree in Kolkata |
On reflection, my surprise is pretty silly. We celebrate Diwali, Chinese New Year, Eid and Hanukkah in London so why would I think Christmas wouldn't be celebrated or at the very least acknowledged in India? I mean globalisation, right?
In my own defence, it is abundantly clear that East and West view the world in completely different ways. The biggest difference? The West looks at the East as its poorest relation I think. Westerners look at every day life here in India and feel a sense of pity because of the poverty.
Just hold that thought for a moment.
A sense of pity because of the poverty.
Churni, Gopal and I with a reindeer or two |
Of course with the conference coming up, it's all very hectic and as a first time organiser of such a major international event, it's a very steep learning curve. My laptop sure is getting a workout. I hope it lasts! So from me to you, the Merriest Solstice how ever you celebrate it!
More Christmas lights than Oxford Circus: Park Street, Kolkata |
UPDATE: 21 February 2018
Oh great goddess, you mean I forgot to publish this! Busy times. . .Trying to catch up with my blog this week.
Friday, 15 December 2017
Saturn in Capricorn: The Hard Reign
A beautiful school in Kolkata |
It's big shift all right and usually some sort of symbolism makes its way to the front pages of the international newspapers when Saturn changes signs. Remember "Je suis Charlie?" just as Saturn lurched back and forth over the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius at the end of 2014? Saturn in Sagittarius began with our need to speak our Truth and it will end with a lot of us wondering what the point of all that truth seeking was about. The planet is a mess, politics are mess, the internet is a mess. . .now what do we do with all this "truth"?
Articles about Saturn ingresses are plentiful and I sure do have my hands full here in India with our astrology conference coming up. So I hope no one minds that I don't rake over the usual stuff. Instead I want to write about something far more important: the educational system.
Most people come to me for astrological advice because they want something to change. No one comes to me to tell me how wonderful life is. For example:
1) My child won't behave. How can I get them to behave?
2) My classes are a nightmare. How do I get my pupils to behave?
3) My husband/wife is doing x. How do I get them to stop?
My answer, in short, is to turn those questions on their ear. Instead of looking to the other person, look to oneself. At the very least what a client comes up with are a few options, some of which will be far more reasonable than others. An astrologer will no doubt hear the client's Saturn speaking (always an amazing thing to behold). The client will soon realise that they are not as disempowered as they had assumed. There's work to be done!
And this really is what Saturn is all about: stepping up to the plate, eyeballing the pitch and then deciding how to play it. It's taking on the responsibility for one's own actions. Saturn isn't about making life cozy. It's looking at problems and deciding what to do about them.
This is rather going to be the theme as we approach Saturn in Capricorn season.
However, as I see it, the Saturn in Capricorn ingress will bring with it huge changes in the educational system.
And it's about goddamn time.
Look around at social media. There goes a teacher complaining about workload (sorry), there goes a parent complaining that their child's learning needs aren't being met, there goes a politician complaining that they're not getting enough bang for their buck from teachers so it's time to change the curriculum (again), there goes a child complaining about bullying (in whatever form), boredom and homework whose voice falls on the deaf ears of parents, teachers and politicians who are too wrapped up in their own concerns to do something about it.
Let that last point be the one that bends your disbelieving knee to the call of Saturn.
Saturn is the co-ruler of Aquarius. I know our Aquarian friends like to boast about their Uranian qualities but for thousands of years before Uranus was discovered, they too were ruled by Saturn. Under their zaniness lies a deep fear (Saturn) that their contributions are not as useful as they would like them to be.
Here too is another key to understanding Saturn: the need for practicality.
As we approach 2020, the year of the next Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (ruled by BOTH Saturn and Uranus), I really do think there will be huge reforms in education. This structure we have upheld for hundreds of years cannot continue to stand as it is. And the changes will be profound. . .
1) Currently pupils suffer under the factory model school system originally meant for workers of the industrial revolution. We teach them that "being good" is about sitting down and shutting up. That we must all work at the same pace and reach the same objectives.
2) Currently parents are kept in the dark about their child's real progress. "Being involved" usually means coming to the school's Christmas concert or showing up at Parents' evening rather than understanding how the curriculum works and where their child's aptitude does or does not fit into it.
3) Currently teachers are expected to put up with outrageous working conditions. . .because it's the only system they know too!! The "standard" school teacher (under 30, female and for whatever reason deemed not suitable for management) manages 30 children at one time, dances to the tune Ousted* plays (oh don't get me started on Ofsted!) and has been conditioned to keep quiet about injustices.
Whispers of outrage have already begun and please dear Goddess let me have the strength to lead the astrological charge!! Hear my Saturn in Pisces speak??!! And I wasn't even trying. . .(haha).
To get more good teachers, we need to treat them better!! We need to ask why only 45% of them stay in the profession 5 years after qualifying. More teachers=smaller classrooms. More home-based (online) education= parents understanding their own child's learning needs. More lessons that truly cater to a child's learning needs= adults who become independent thinkers rather than drones who are punished for opening up about what they want!
Saturn in Capricorn urges you to get to grips with your own Saturn, to face up to your fears and know that they are not insurmountable. Saturn in Capricorn urges you to accept your limitations and to do something about them. Saturn in Capricorn looks at the current structures that we have always relied on and realises the foundations are showing signs of collapse.
It's time to come in like a wrecking ball!!
You have two choices: Get up and fight or roll over and die!
There will be no comfort as we fight the good fight. As the old (slightly modified) saying goes: you'll have al the comfort you want in the grave!
A hard reign's gonna fall but personally I can't wait for the flowers.
Alex Trenoweth
Copyright 2017
Got some questions? Want to step up to the plate? Drop by my new and improved website https://alextrenoweth.co.uk. . .or leave me a comment and tell me about how you would like to see the educational system improve!
* "Ousted" is a typo for "Ofsted" or the managing body of teaching inspectors. I was going to correct it then thought it was extremely fitting! Or maybe even wishful thinking!
Alex Trenoweth, Agent 144 of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency, is currently hard at work in India preparing for the IVC/KIA astrology conference. In addition to her astrological practice, she is also a fully qualified secondary school teacher campaigning for better working conditions for teachers thus bringing about a better learning environment for children. Alex is also the author the newly re-published "Growing Pains" about the astrology of education and the soon-to-be-released "The Wolf You Feed" about Saturn cycles (both titles by The Wessex Astrologer). When she isn't tearing around the globe speaking at astrology conferences, she enjoys the company of her cat Mr Bubbles, playing the trumpet and writing fiction.