Tuesday 17 November 2015

When it's time to say good-bye

I used to think that good byes kinda sucked. And of course good byes do, in fact, suck quite a bit. But I wanted to say good bye to my pupils as best as I could so we could all have closure and move on to bigger and better things. So I made this short good bye video (took me ages to post it because uploads take a bit of time I didn't have here in Cape Town).

When the filming was done, I played it back for a friend to make sure it was OK. And we both ended up crying. I hadn't intended on creating something sad but rather something that would teach the boys that behind every goodbye there is a hello and welcome. It might not be exactly how we wanted things to end or be when we wanted to end them but sometimes we need a kick up the ass. I now know that is what I needed. About half an hour after I dried my eyes, Rob Hand asked me to sign my book for him. 

Now THAT is some crazy stuff right there.

How many of Rob's books do I have on my bookshelf? Lots. If I were at home I would count. Rob Hand is the astrologer we have all learned from: his books are classics, he's a genius and to have him sit through my lecture on Astrology and Adolescence and say it was "brilliant" had to be the high point of my career as an astrologer, writer and teacher.

Rob's endorsement was not what persuaded me to wave good bye to my return flight to London later that day but it did give me confirmation that it was time for me to step up to the plate.  So yes boys, say good bye. I really did love teaching you and if circumstances hadn't forced me, I would have committed to staying with you until I was old enough to retire. But now I have this great opportunity to bring astrology to the classroom (bet you didn't even realise I was using astrology!), to prisons, to struggling parents and to unhappy adolescents. It's my way of trying to make the world a better place. Say good bye but wish me luck too.

If you'd like to get your hands (a-hem) on the book endorsed by Rob, here's the link.

And watch this space for further developments.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

I went to the beach to live deliberately. . .

With apologies to Henry David Thoreau. . .

I went to the beach because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.

I am having the most extraordinary time here in Cape Town. Every astrology conference is special but to live in a beach house and to be able to swim in the Atlantic Ocean pretty much whenever I like makes this conference totally remarkable.
And of course, this boy (Nick Dagan Best) who makes me laugh. . .and blush 50 shades of red:
And this man (Rob Hand) who attended my lecture on astrology and education and said it was brilliant:

And this man (Ehsan Kh) who blows this horn when he's happy and wants me to help him translate some Persian scholarship into English:

And this woman (Naomi Bennett) who is the only person I have seen on four different continents:
My peeps (Ehsan Kh, Michelle Gould, Samuel Reynolds, Richard Fidlar, Ana Carrapichanno) who I am so blessed to know and work and play with:

And these beautiful peeps. . .

I'm having such an extraordinary time that when my school told me (via email to the supply agency) they had found a cheaper replacement, my only regret was that I had bought a return ticket to London.
But now I'm not going back to London. At least not just yet.
Those last two sentences took a lot of vacillation until I came to the realisation everything was going to be okay here in South Africa. And I don't have to leave this beautiful place just yet.
But it has taken some time to make a decision.
What do I do when I feel I can't make up my mind? I head to water!
So today I went to the beach, took my shoes off and let the Atlantic Ocean talk to me. I saw a pretty shell that I picked up to admire, went to wash the sand off--and a wave knocked it out of my hand. I was disappointed but resigned myself to the fact it was not going to come back to me.
So I walked on.
And a few steps later, I found an even bigger, prettier shell. I picked that one up and rinsed it. But I managed to hold onto it. In fact, I brought it back with me to remind me that there are bigger things out there if we can let go of the smaller things. There are bigger things for me here. I have bigger work to do and I know that teaching was exhausting me mentally and I needed space to make things work. I know I could return to London and walk into another supply teaching post at any time. But I am not going to do that. I am going to do readings and workshops here in South Africa until I feel I am on the path I am meant to be on. I will not be afraid and I will not let doubt defeat me.
So today I went to the beach because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

And I will take this pretty shell with me to remind not worry about small losses.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Saturn in Sagittarius: Taking the Centaur by the Bollocks

I'm going to start this blog post with a little confession: I have Neptune in Scorpio in the 6th house (don't worry, the interpretation will soon become clear). Now, to anyone who has ever seen any of my three desks (home, school and portable) after a busy day, this will come as no shock. I live a rather hectic life and if I don't keep on top of things, well chaos ensues. I can also be a little, ah, obsessional with whatever I'm working on until I get what I want to do completely done. I'll do things like get up in the middle of the night (ahem) and work until 4 or 5pm before I realise I haven't eaten anything. Yeah I do stupid shit like that because structuring my day into something sustainable just doesn't occur to me. 
So yesterday, after a very hectic week of conferences and travel, was one of those days that I got little intense. The focus of my intensity was trying to complete a newsletter that my new and technogeek friend Tony Howard convinced me was absolutely essential to "drive traffic to my website". Now there must have been some glimmer or something in Tony's eyes that persuaded me to do a newsletter as soon as "You should totally do a newsletter" was out of his mouth. I was like a woman possessed. The problem was--and here is where Neptune in the 6th becomes even more clear--I had no idea what I was doing. Don't get me wrong: I know what a newsletter is (and Tony and I agree that I will have no problem coming up with content for the next 50 years), the problem is I haven't got a clue about format.

Did I let this stop me?

Hell no.

I carefully demonstrated a perfect mastery of my Saturn in Pisces via Publisher by adding links, beautiful photos and lalalala to my newsletter but it wasn't until I was proudly showing Tony the results of my work that  I realised I had created something pretty useless for the purpose that I wanted to use it for: mainly to send it out to the good folks on my mailing list.

This is pretty funny. Yeah, I get that. Haha, she works all day and creates something completely useless.

I'll just wait until you stop laughing.

Anyhoooo. . .I converted everything to a jpeg and posted it here. Nah it ain't what I wanted but I hate to waste my pretty work. I'll have to manually add in the links (again) another day and as I'm flying out to see my buddy Tim later today, the links aren't likely to appear any time this weekend. But there's always Monday when I'll be between long haul flights (LA to London and London to Cape Town if you're curious) at some airport or another (it's all rather blurring together now).

The gist of what I'm trying to say in my newsletter is:

1) I'm having a great time living a jet set lifestyle which I have always wanted to do
2) I'm so lucky to have such cool people to hang out with
3 I am up to a lot of shit (woohoo!)
4) I write a lot of shit (here's some teasers for bigger articles on my website)
5) And oh, here are some star signs
6) By the way, I'm available to do astrology, tarot and palmistry readings--here's a million ways to contact me if you're interested

Perhaps that's all I needed to say.

You're welcome

Saturn in Sagittarius link


Alfred Hitchcock link

Saturday 3 October 2015

Astrodienst at last!

Every now and again, I wake up far too early and get the urge to do some writing and reflecting. I've resigned myself to the fact that teaching knocks the writing energy right out of me most of the time so I am actually loving it that I'm wide awake at 4am on a Saturday morning with the need to hit the keyboard. And of course, I need to update my blog. . .

It's hard to believe summer is over with--but what a productive time it has been. On top of being a monitor for the FAS Summer School, doing a webinar with the spectacular Samuel F Reynolds (a bit of a learning curve but so much fun--and very successful) and taking Deb Houlding's School of Traditional Astrology course, I also spoke at the fabulous AA Conference.

But the very best news is that I FINALLY made it into Astrodienst!! This has been a goal of mine since I became a serious astrologer and to have achieved it is certainly one of my proudest moments--especially since it features my research into astrology and education. A huge thanks to the editor of the Astrological Journal for all his support and encouragement--and for putting my name on the front cover of the Journal not once but twice! Here's a lovely photo of us at the AA conference--the very first time we had met in person. I reckon we look like an old married couple. . .

In the eco-hut!!
Is my banana radioactive?
What happens when you stay in one department too long!
In teaching, after weeks of struggling to keep one step ahead of the boys in Science, I finally came into my own in the astronomy section of Physics. I could actually see the boys' hair blowing back as I talked about nuclear fusion and stars. Someone should have told me Science was so much fun: I've been a chemist, a biologist and a physicist--and often all of them in the course of one day. It's been a bit of a struggle and challenge but I'm loving it! I just have to keep reminding myself my strongest subjects at school were Physics and Music.

I'm super proud to announce I'll be presenting my astrological research at the Kepler Conference in Florida, January 2017. It's a scientific kind of conference so I feel enormously privileged that I have something sensible to contribute. I still hope the value of astrology in education will be appreciated one day.
Turning iodine to an iodide with a few drops of OJ

In other news, I'm preparing lectures for SOTA, Chicago (to visit the incredible Madame Zolanga), Portland (a webinar with Tony Howard and Astrology University) and Halloween in LA. As always, I've scheduled some down time to see friends and family in the USA in between public appearances. After the US, I'm flying back to London then I'm off to Cape Town!! After that, a few more weeks of teaching and I'll be spending a couple of months in India, then Australia and Asia topped off with a week in Hawaii with my old buddy Tim. Yes, I'll be circumnavigating the globe this year ;)

A final bit of news is that I am finally returning to my tarot and palmistry roots and resuming psychic readings. I charge £50 per hour plus travel costs and offer discounts for group work. Contact me via this blog or at : alex_trenoweth@hotmail.com for more info or to book.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Thursday 13 August 2015

Me and my mad schedule

One of the things on my extensive to do list this summer was to try to maintain this blog a bit better. But what can I say--except that I am happily productive on quite a few projects.  And so this blog entry is rather like a crossed off "to-do" list. Whilst my "teacher's brain" was being given a brief rest (haven't ended an academic year so refreshed since I started teaching), I was tying up a lot of loose ends and unfinished business along with preparing FIVE conference lectures as well as producing a few lecture trailers. It's rather phenomenal how many cool things gravitate towards one's way when there's so much more fun stuff going on. So I will try to summarise with appropriate shout outs to all the right folks.

I FINALLY passed the final paper for the Faculty of Astrological Studies. You can read my account of my FAS adventure here. Immediately upon learning I had passed the FAS diploma, I became a member of the APAI , thus gaining two sets of initials behind my name: DFAstrolS and MAPAI.   That's right. . .I am now Alex Trenoweth MA (CAA), MAPAI, DFAstrolS. I have no intention of letting you forget it. From 21-28 August, I will be a room monitor for the FAS Summer School. Exciting times.

With the FAS done and dusted, I also promptly signed up to Deb Houlding's Horary course starting from 28 August. This is an eagerly awaited learning opportunity I had denied myself until I finished with the FAS.

The Club of 27 Reunion went without a hitch. Starting with an interview session at The Hawley Arms on the anniversary of Amy Winehouse's death and ending with dinner at Sarastro's, we finally got around to inducting Amy into the Club of 27 astrology site. Just to remind you, the ASTROLOGERS were the first to coin the term "Club of 27". The Wikipedia entry came about six months later.

I've been a a guest on Radar Radio a few times this summer. How awesome is that? It's always nice to be welcomed by non-astrologers and to be given the opportunity to share what I've been up to. I've also been a guest on the Jupiter Rising Show with fellow astrologer Eileen Grimes. The archived recording can be found here.

I'll be speaking at the Astrological Association's Conference on 13 September. The lecture trailer is here. 
The big news is that I'm returning to SOTA in Buffalo where I'll be delivering a workshop on midpoints. From SOTA, I'll be travelling to see family then to see my buddy Madam Zolanga in Chicago. From there, I'm taking a slow "author's train" across the northern part of the USA to Seattle where I'll be stopping in to see a few astrologers. No trip to the US would be complete without seeing my buddy Tim.  And the REALLY big news is that I'll be visiting South Africa for the Astrology Restored Conference 6-11 November in Cape Town. My heavy duty academic-y article on astrology and the renaissance can be found here. At some point, I need to finish off my research paper for the American Federation of Astrologers. . .but it's coming on.

This all on top of aforementioned journeys to Australia at the end of this year and a return to India in early 2016! Of course around all this excitement is another term at an all boys' school--and the school has been both wise and generous in working around my travelling schedule. This time I'll be teaching GSCE astrophysics--can't wait to blow up stuff and blame the kids!

As always, I'm still pushing "Growing Pains" (contact me directly for a better deal than Amazon), always have room for astrology pupils and have a little room for clients until the end of the summer. Leave a direct message below. . . or contact me via www.alextrenoweth.com

Julia Child: Right Again

Yeah so butter IS good for you. And probably a lot better than the tub of chemicals that is franken-butter, margarine.

Julia Child (yes her chart is still active though she isn't), has Jupiter approaching her natal Mercury in Virgo. If that weren't enough, our girl is due to have transit Saturn in opposition to her natal Saturn in a few months' time. So it's time we listened to her.

To celebrate Julia's impending birthday on the 15th August, here's a free little early Saturn in Sagittarius pressie just for you.

And if you're looking for a little Jupiter in Virgo action, well I have something for you too.

Monday 1 June 2015

Happy Birthday Marilyn Monroe!!

Marilyn Monroe, who would have been 89 today, features in "Growing Pains". Lovely Marilyn had Jupiter in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus in Pisces) and Saturn in Scorpio (Pluto in Cancer). She learned best through experimenting (Jupiter in Aquarius) and made a career from being a sex symbol Saturn in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto in Cancer). 

What's your Jupiter-Saturn signature? Leave you birth date in the comments below (or PM me) and I'll tell you!

Buy "Growing Pains" to find out more about how your favourite celebrities capitalised on their learning styles to become successful people.

Do you have questions about the adolescents in your life? Contact me o www.alextrenoweth.com

Saturday 30 May 2015


I've heard a lot of outrageous accusations against the maligned Mercury Retrograde. . .but this has to be the best.
Or it could be one hell of a Pluto to Venus transit!
On the serious side. . .

Marina Abramovic is a brilliant performance artist and she's coming to London!

No prizes for guessing who HAS to go see her exhibition. . .

Friday 29 May 2015

Brighton Astrology Day

I'm thrilled to be billed as one of the leading astrologers for the Brighton Astrology Circle's Astrology Day! 
Here are the details for the day:
The lecture I'm giving is an old favourite of mine. Of course there will some added goodies too!! In the meantime, just to whet your appetite, here's a little flavour of my lecture on the modern horror show:

Saturday 2 May 2015

The astrology of Royal Baby 3


Alex Trenoweth

And we have a baby boy!

Congratulations to the Royal family!

The new baby was born at 11:01am, just out of orb for Venus conjunct Algol like his father and Princess Diana but what a planetary connection for the new baby! And with the Sun conjunct Uranus in the 10th, I really don't have to change the title of this post--Royal Rebel indeed!

With Moon in Leo at 9 degrees, he's bound to be a hit with his great grandmother the Queen who has the Moon in Leo at 12 degrees. They also have a Sun conjunction!

It was VERY quickly noted by other astrologers that the new baby also has Chiron conjunct the MC and already there is speculation that there's going to be another healer in the family.

As a teacher, I'm eyeing up retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn which can affect the important transits during adolescence. The baby will have 3 Jupiter passes for his first Jupiter return in 2030 and  a single Saturn opposition in 2033.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, growth through learning is pursued with passion and intensity. My experience in teaching these learners is that it takes a little to get them fired up, but once they are hooked on a topic, it can be hard to get them onto something else (more on Jupiter in Scorpio learners here). They tend to be good researchers and aren't afraid to explore where other explorers fear to tread. The Queens' MC and Saturn are conjunct the baby's Jupiter in the 4th--it would seem her work ethic will have quite an effect on his emotional life. Maybe he'll take his official duties a little too seriously.

Saturn is in rulership in Capricorn. This is discipline with a capital D. But this new baby has his Pluto and Mars conjunct Queen Elizabeth's ascendant (in Capricorn) so I'm thinking his Saturn opposition in 2033 (in Cancer) may have a little to do with shake ups in the family at this time (the Queen of course will probably not be in any shape to be on the throne and Prince Charles might not be in such great shape either--but the new baby does have his Sun conjunct Charles' North Node). The opposition also falls in the 6-12th house axis so there may be changes in duties during this time. During this time, T Saturn will be square to dad's Mars in Libra.

If the Royal family (or anyone else is interested in more information on the astrology of education, my book is available here!

Here's an earlier post about Princess Charlotte and the Algol connections when she was born a few years ago:

Astrological characteristics between generations always have a tale to tell because certain features in astrology charts can often be traced in the family bloodline. For example, like her grandmother Princess Diana, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge has a Moon-Uranus opposition--so the House of Windsor had better batten down the hatches!! Also, the new baby's Mars is almost in conjunction with Algol (William and Diana have Venus conjunct Algol) so it's a very interesting, if a little intense, chart indeed! Baby brother George's descendant is conjunct Algol and little sister's Mars so don't bet on these two cherubs getting on very well.

The baby's ascendant is conjunct her father's Moon and Grandma Di's Mercury. How adorable is that? We may not have Diana here with us physically but it's so wonderful this new baby has inherited the old Spencer charm. How lovely to have named her Charlotte Elizabeth Diana!

The ruling planet of the new baby's chart is conjunct William's Pluto and Diana's MC. William is going to be one protective father and god help the paparazzi when the kid hits puberty. You think 'those shots' of a topless Kate made him mad? Just you wait until around August 2026 at her first Jupiter return. With Jupiter in Leo, that girl is going to love the spotlight and hate it when daddy tries to shield her from it. However, her down to earth Sun in Taurus in the 11th might calm this tendency.

Another interesting feature of this new baby's chart is Mercury in Gemini opposite to Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury is extra strong in Gemini but with an opposition from Saturn, she may be a little reluctant to hit the books. Of course oppositions mean extremes so we could have a major academic on our hands (Mercury also rules the 3rd house). William's Uranus is conjunct her Saturn so while she may steady him, he may very well encourage that rebellious streak. One possible scenario is that William will encourage her to marry someone who shakes up the royal blood a little (Pluto in Capricorn descendant ruled by Saturn in 5th and Pluto ruling the 5th house).

No doubt there will be more and more astrological commentary on this baby. Personally, I don't like to say too much about babies but as this is a royal one and as I, a British tax payer, am contributing  to her upkeep, I reckon I can put my two pence in!

copyright: Alex Trenoweth. Not to be published without permission of author.
Media enquiries on alex.trenoweth@gmail.com

Alex Trenoweth is an astrologer, writer, lecturer and musician currently living in London England.  She is an MA graduate of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at Bath Spa University (2007), has studied extensively with the Faculty of Astrological Studies whilst simultaneously gaining recognition as an outstanding teacher for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in both astrology and teaching, coupled with ground-breaking research, has led to her writing “Growing Pains,” a book aimed at helping parents and teachers support and guide young people into maturity. The majority of Alex’s astrological work is aimed at facilitating clients to forgive, heal and learn the inner adolescent.

Alex is also an international lecturer and has spoken at several major US conferences such as UAC, ISAR, NORWAC, Kepler and SOTA, Astrology Restored in South Africa, Belgrade's Kepler Conference, Portugal as well as supporting local groups in the UK. She was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology who also awarded her an honorary PhD as well as an award for "Outstanding Service to Astrology" in 2018.

In addition to being a committed teacher and astrologer, Alex is also a professional musician and has performed at Edinburgh Fringe Festival and other major venues as a jazz trumpeter. In her spare time, she writes fiction as well as more popular types of astrology. 

Thursday 9 April 2015

Ahhhh Barry Manilow

Hold on . .he was supposed to wait FOR ME!!

OK, so Barry hasn't met me in person so how he was to know I am the woman for him (his Sun is on my Venus and his Venus on my Mercury).

If you read my blog, you know I love Barry!

So warmest congratulations on "that" secret coming out as Jupiter stations on your Venus, Barry!!

P.S. I still love you so if doesn't work out. . .

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The Day the Music Cashed In


That would be the sound of Don McLean cashing in on nearly a million pounds for finally revealing the "secrets" of the lyrics for "The Day the Music Died."

With Jupiter stationing on his natal Pluto as we speak, that's not bad going!

As luck would have it, I'm speaking on the subject at the Astrological Association's conference in September!! 

If you can't wait that long, you can read an old version of the astrological story here.

By the way, free daily horoscopes are back!! Here's the link! Don't forget to like, share and tweet!

Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Reluctant Star Sign Columnist: RESULTS

The Spring Equinox has come and gone and it is now time to announce the results of my star sign column experience.
To remind you, here is what I agreed to do three months ago:
  1. I'm going to post a daily horoscope column from today to the Spring Equinox. I will post the next day's column the night before.
  2. I am going to measure how many more people come to my Facebook page/re-tweet, share my blog, visit my website, buy my book, commit to my classes or arrange for consultations because of the daily horoscope column.
  3. I will keep a separate journal of my feelings as I write the column. 
  4. At the end of this experiment, I will post the difference in website traffic/business between now and 20 March 2015 (the spring equinox) as well as whether or not my feelings towards star signs have changed.
  5. Publicly (after this post), I will be positive towards this challenge. If Victor wants to publish the excerpts of my journal and the results as set out above when it's all done, it will be up to him.
  6. I have done a few little things like adding a pop up to my website and will add my own advertisement after every entry. I might change this as I get a little more au faux with such things as we go along.
  7. I will be receptive to any sensible advice I get along the way.
Well, I had to abandon the column about half way through the quarter because I simply got too busy with other commitments. Yes I feel bad I didn't achieve this bit of the challenge (it kind of feels like quitting halfway through a marathon) but other things such as becoming "International Astrologer of the year, 2015" as voted by Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology took precedence. So did my teaching commitments and so did personal things. However, I do feel like I gave it enough of a try to come up with some very interesting results.
To be clever, I'm going to reveal these using movie themes.

The Field of Dreams stage: "If you build it they will come"

Before I started, I suddenly got a little paranoid. My website needed a bit of tidying up and my blog needed a new look. Once these things were taken care of, I felt a little better about having more guests around. And the result of point number two is that traffic to my site QUADRUPLED. A few people shared the links on twitter and Facebook, I got no more consultations than normal and as far as I know, there were no book sales as a result of the column.

The Social Network stage

I realised that not only am I a lazy blogger, I'm also lousy at Twitter. I tried to get posts up simultaneously with Facebook, Twitter and Blogger but that was just a bit too tricky for me--and also I felt it flooded my personal Facebook page (which I do manage very well) with my star sign stuff. I have lots of family and friends abroad who communicate with me via Facebook and I worried they would get tired of my announcements. Now that I have a bit more time, I'm going to give the coordination things another try. I do think some of the reason I got more traffic was because I was more active on social networking sites.

The Night at the Museum stage

This stage was a surprise! Of course I know planets move but focusing on their movement for two hours everyday, made me very aware of them. I often daydreamed about them up there, moving. It was kinda sweet really.

The Love Actually stage

There were many early days when I finished writing the horoscope column and I would just shake my head sadly. Really, my writing (I would hope) is so much better than the column. Some days, it was difficult to hit the 'publish' button. But I always did it. And then I'd shake my head sadly all over again as I watched my blog stats go through the roof.
It very much reminded me of the film "Love Actually".
After several takes for his song "Christmas Is All Around Us" (it's a terrible re-make of "Love Is All around Us"), Billy Mack just puts his hands to his ears. It's such a ridiculous song that you just think to yourself--as the character sings it so badly--"that song really sucks".  At one point Billy says to his manager "It's shit, isn't it?"
The manager chirpily replies: "That's right Billy! Sold gold shit!"
But the irony is that the song makes it to Christmas number one. Somehow.
Yeah, I felt like that writing about star signs. They are shit but everyone loves them.

The Jurassic Park stage

"You asked yourself if you could but you never asked yourself if you should." 

I think star sign columns have poisoned the ground water for astrology because it's what non-astrologers expect astrologers to do. And it's a bit unfair, really. If I were a confectioner, I would give out free samples of my goodies but if an astrologer does this somehow they're selling out. In fact once I started thinking about this I started realising that astrologers are really perceived differently from other professionals on very basic issues. For example, there are many different types of medical doctors: general practitioners, paediatricians and proctologists (just had to get that word in there) so why does the public think there is only one type of astrologer? Don't get me started on why we shouldn't expect to be paid for our services.
Well, that would be because that is what us astrologers put out there when we write star sign columns! To help counterbalance this I am going to be far more careful when writing my biographies. I have a specialism and it's astrology in adolescence. Yes I am also a GP but as the recipient of an American Federation of Astrologers' grant for my research into adolescence and astrology, I have a specialism. And everyone who reads my bio is going to know that.
I have been thinking about the question of whether or not astrologers should have a qualification and as much as I think it is unfair to astrologers who don't have the resources to do a course, I'm leaning towards the notion that astrologers should have a professional affiliation. Why? Because any other profession uses them. I know we (us astrologers)  think of ourselves as being Uranian mavericks we should be vetting ourselves and ensuring our best face is presented. But I really don't want anyone to think I am Madam Mystic (or whoever) and that my only purpose is to cheat the gullible of their cash. And I think we should pay dues to a world wide affiliation with the proceeds going towards astrological education for those who want it. In exchange, we get a logo to use on our websites and wherever else we are presented to the public so people know we are accepted amongst our peers.
And this brings me to another point about peerage. I've been reading some "outrageous" posts on Facebook from non-astrologers about why we can't predict earthquakes, plane crashes and other disasters. I think it's a great question!! Why on earth are newsfeeds flooded with astrological commentary AFTER an event has taken place? I think it comes down to a lack of cohesion: there is so much astrology can do and so many opportunities to do something useful but we're just not coordinated amongst ourselves so we can see who does what in astrology. We can't predict plane crashes because I suspect no one really knows how to do that (it would be an arduous process and a nightmare of data me thinks). But a global affiliation might be able to get people sharing the results of their research--and we wouldn't have to waste precious time re-explaining the same old points (there are 12 signs, not 13) ad nauseum. 

The Twelve Monkeys stage

I've been doing some serious time travel forward and backward and it got my head in a spin. Think about it: today is 31 March but I am already working on a book for 2016, making plans for 2017 and have just completed a monthly column for April. It gets a little confusing. Fun but a little overwhelming. When I was in India, fighting with the internet, I have to give up. I meant to get back to it when I returned but then I was just so involved with my job that I was seriously burning out. Something had to give and that was the unpaid job. A shame because I really did enjoy the challenge of it.

So to summarise, doing a star sign column did increase traffic to my blog but maybe this was because I was doing far more social networking (I didn't measure or isolate one factor from the other). Nor did I get more clients or sell more books because of it. I do think I became a better and more thoughtful astrologer because of all the practice I was getting but I'm not sure if, as astrology is so ill perceived by the public, we need another star sign columnist in the world. Having said this, I did decide to write a monthly column for an online magazine because I am allowed to present myself in a manner that sets me aside from other star sign columnists and I feel an affinity for the website. Would I consider a daily column? Yes if it allowed me to leave a job that sucks so much life out of me I can't focus on astrology. Yes I would.