Saturday 2 May 2015

The astrology of Royal Baby 3


Alex Trenoweth

And we have a baby boy!

Congratulations to the Royal family!

The new baby was born at 11:01am, just out of orb for Venus conjunct Algol like his father and Princess Diana but what a planetary connection for the new baby! And with the Sun conjunct Uranus in the 10th, I really don't have to change the title of this post--Royal Rebel indeed!

With Moon in Leo at 9 degrees, he's bound to be a hit with his great grandmother the Queen who has the Moon in Leo at 12 degrees. They also have a Sun conjunction!

It was VERY quickly noted by other astrologers that the new baby also has Chiron conjunct the MC and already there is speculation that there's going to be another healer in the family.

As a teacher, I'm eyeing up retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn which can affect the important transits during adolescence. The baby will have 3 Jupiter passes for his first Jupiter return in 2030 and  a single Saturn opposition in 2033.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, growth through learning is pursued with passion and intensity. My experience in teaching these learners is that it takes a little to get them fired up, but once they are hooked on a topic, it can be hard to get them onto something else (more on Jupiter in Scorpio learners here). They tend to be good researchers and aren't afraid to explore where other explorers fear to tread. The Queens' MC and Saturn are conjunct the baby's Jupiter in the 4th--it would seem her work ethic will have quite an effect on his emotional life. Maybe he'll take his official duties a little too seriously.

Saturn is in rulership in Capricorn. This is discipline with a capital D. But this new baby has his Pluto and Mars conjunct Queen Elizabeth's ascendant (in Capricorn) so I'm thinking his Saturn opposition in 2033 (in Cancer) may have a little to do with shake ups in the family at this time (the Queen of course will probably not be in any shape to be on the throne and Prince Charles might not be in such great shape either--but the new baby does have his Sun conjunct Charles' North Node). The opposition also falls in the 6-12th house axis so there may be changes in duties during this time. During this time, T Saturn will be square to dad's Mars in Libra.

If the Royal family (or anyone else is interested in more information on the astrology of education, my book is available here!

Here's an earlier post about Princess Charlotte and the Algol connections when she was born a few years ago:

Astrological characteristics between generations always have a tale to tell because certain features in astrology charts can often be traced in the family bloodline. For example, like her grandmother Princess Diana, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge has a Moon-Uranus opposition--so the House of Windsor had better batten down the hatches!! Also, the new baby's Mars is almost in conjunction with Algol (William and Diana have Venus conjunct Algol) so it's a very interesting, if a little intense, chart indeed! Baby brother George's descendant is conjunct Algol and little sister's Mars so don't bet on these two cherubs getting on very well.

The baby's ascendant is conjunct her father's Moon and Grandma Di's Mercury. How adorable is that? We may not have Diana here with us physically but it's so wonderful this new baby has inherited the old Spencer charm. How lovely to have named her Charlotte Elizabeth Diana!

The ruling planet of the new baby's chart is conjunct William's Pluto and Diana's MC. William is going to be one protective father and god help the paparazzi when the kid hits puberty. You think 'those shots' of a topless Kate made him mad? Just you wait until around August 2026 at her first Jupiter return. With Jupiter in Leo, that girl is going to love the spotlight and hate it when daddy tries to shield her from it. However, her down to earth Sun in Taurus in the 11th might calm this tendency.

Another interesting feature of this new baby's chart is Mercury in Gemini opposite to Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury is extra strong in Gemini but with an opposition from Saturn, she may be a little reluctant to hit the books. Of course oppositions mean extremes so we could have a major academic on our hands (Mercury also rules the 3rd house). William's Uranus is conjunct her Saturn so while she may steady him, he may very well encourage that rebellious streak. One possible scenario is that William will encourage her to marry someone who shakes up the royal blood a little (Pluto in Capricorn descendant ruled by Saturn in 5th and Pluto ruling the 5th house).

No doubt there will be more and more astrological commentary on this baby. Personally, I don't like to say too much about babies but as this is a royal one and as I, a British tax payer, am contributing  to her upkeep, I reckon I can put my two pence in!

copyright: Alex Trenoweth. Not to be published without permission of author.
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Alex Trenoweth is an astrologer, writer, lecturer and musician currently living in London England.  She is an MA graduate of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at Bath Spa University (2007), has studied extensively with the Faculty of Astrological Studies whilst simultaneously gaining recognition as an outstanding teacher for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in both astrology and teaching, coupled with ground-breaking research, has led to her writing “Growing Pains,” a book aimed at helping parents and teachers support and guide young people into maturity. The majority of Alex’s astrological work is aimed at facilitating clients to forgive, heal and learn the inner adolescent.

Alex is also an international lecturer and has spoken at several major US conferences such as UAC, ISAR, NORWAC, Kepler and SOTA, Astrology Restored in South Africa, Belgrade's Kepler Conference, Portugal as well as supporting local groups in the UK. She was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology who also awarded her an honorary PhD as well as an award for "Outstanding Service to Astrology" in 2018.

In addition to being a committed teacher and astrologer, Alex is also a professional musician and has performed at Edinburgh Fringe Festival and other major venues as a jazz trumpeter. In her spare time, she writes fiction as well as more popular types of astrology. 

Thursday 9 April 2015

Ahhhh Barry Manilow

Hold on . .he was supposed to wait FOR ME!!

OK, so Barry hasn't met me in person so how he was to know I am the woman for him (his Sun is on my Venus and his Venus on my Mercury).

If you read my blog, you know I love Barry!

So warmest congratulations on "that" secret coming out as Jupiter stations on your Venus, Barry!!

P.S. I still love you so if doesn't work out. . .

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The Day the Music Cashed In


That would be the sound of Don McLean cashing in on nearly a million pounds for finally revealing the "secrets" of the lyrics for "The Day the Music Died."

With Jupiter stationing on his natal Pluto as we speak, that's not bad going!

As luck would have it, I'm speaking on the subject at the Astrological Association's conference in September!! 

If you can't wait that long, you can read an old version of the astrological story here.

By the way, free daily horoscopes are back!! Here's the link! Don't forget to like, share and tweet!

Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Reluctant Star Sign Columnist: RESULTS

The Spring Equinox has come and gone and it is now time to announce the results of my star sign column experience.
To remind you, here is what I agreed to do three months ago:
  1. I'm going to post a daily horoscope column from today to the Spring Equinox. I will post the next day's column the night before.
  2. I am going to measure how many more people come to my Facebook page/re-tweet, share my blog, visit my website, buy my book, commit to my classes or arrange for consultations because of the daily horoscope column.
  3. I will keep a separate journal of my feelings as I write the column. 
  4. At the end of this experiment, I will post the difference in website traffic/business between now and 20 March 2015 (the spring equinox) as well as whether or not my feelings towards star signs have changed.
  5. Publicly (after this post), I will be positive towards this challenge. If Victor wants to publish the excerpts of my journal and the results as set out above when it's all done, it will be up to him.
  6. I have done a few little things like adding a pop up to my website and will add my own advertisement after every entry. I might change this as I get a little more au faux with such things as we go along.
  7. I will be receptive to any sensible advice I get along the way.
Well, I had to abandon the column about half way through the quarter because I simply got too busy with other commitments. Yes I feel bad I didn't achieve this bit of the challenge (it kind of feels like quitting halfway through a marathon) but other things such as becoming "International Astrologer of the year, 2015" as voted by Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology took precedence. So did my teaching commitments and so did personal things. However, I do feel like I gave it enough of a try to come up with some very interesting results.
To be clever, I'm going to reveal these using movie themes.

The Field of Dreams stage: "If you build it they will come"

Before I started, I suddenly got a little paranoid. My website needed a bit of tidying up and my blog needed a new look. Once these things were taken care of, I felt a little better about having more guests around. And the result of point number two is that traffic to my site QUADRUPLED. A few people shared the links on twitter and Facebook, I got no more consultations than normal and as far as I know, there were no book sales as a result of the column.

The Social Network stage

I realised that not only am I a lazy blogger, I'm also lousy at Twitter. I tried to get posts up simultaneously with Facebook, Twitter and Blogger but that was just a bit too tricky for me--and also I felt it flooded my personal Facebook page (which I do manage very well) with my star sign stuff. I have lots of family and friends abroad who communicate with me via Facebook and I worried they would get tired of my announcements. Now that I have a bit more time, I'm going to give the coordination things another try. I do think some of the reason I got more traffic was because I was more active on social networking sites.

The Night at the Museum stage

This stage was a surprise! Of course I know planets move but focusing on their movement for two hours everyday, made me very aware of them. I often daydreamed about them up there, moving. It was kinda sweet really.

The Love Actually stage

There were many early days when I finished writing the horoscope column and I would just shake my head sadly. Really, my writing (I would hope) is so much better than the column. Some days, it was difficult to hit the 'publish' button. But I always did it. And then I'd shake my head sadly all over again as I watched my blog stats go through the roof.
It very much reminded me of the film "Love Actually".
After several takes for his song "Christmas Is All Around Us" (it's a terrible re-make of "Love Is All around Us"), Billy Mack just puts his hands to his ears. It's such a ridiculous song that you just think to yourself--as the character sings it so badly--"that song really sucks".  At one point Billy says to his manager "It's shit, isn't it?"
The manager chirpily replies: "That's right Billy! Sold gold shit!"
But the irony is that the song makes it to Christmas number one. Somehow.
Yeah, I felt like that writing about star signs. They are shit but everyone loves them.

The Jurassic Park stage

"You asked yourself if you could but you never asked yourself if you should." 

I think star sign columns have poisoned the ground water for astrology because it's what non-astrologers expect astrologers to do. And it's a bit unfair, really. If I were a confectioner, I would give out free samples of my goodies but if an astrologer does this somehow they're selling out. In fact once I started thinking about this I started realising that astrologers are really perceived differently from other professionals on very basic issues. For example, there are many different types of medical doctors: general practitioners, paediatricians and proctologists (just had to get that word in there) so why does the public think there is only one type of astrologer? Don't get me started on why we shouldn't expect to be paid for our services.
Well, that would be because that is what us astrologers put out there when we write star sign columns! To help counterbalance this I am going to be far more careful when writing my biographies. I have a specialism and it's astrology in adolescence. Yes I am also a GP but as the recipient of an American Federation of Astrologers' grant for my research into adolescence and astrology, I have a specialism. And everyone who reads my bio is going to know that.
I have been thinking about the question of whether or not astrologers should have a qualification and as much as I think it is unfair to astrologers who don't have the resources to do a course, I'm leaning towards the notion that astrologers should have a professional affiliation. Why? Because any other profession uses them. I know we (us astrologers)  think of ourselves as being Uranian mavericks we should be vetting ourselves and ensuring our best face is presented. But I really don't want anyone to think I am Madam Mystic (or whoever) and that my only purpose is to cheat the gullible of their cash. And I think we should pay dues to a world wide affiliation with the proceeds going towards astrological education for those who want it. In exchange, we get a logo to use on our websites and wherever else we are presented to the public so people know we are accepted amongst our peers.
And this brings me to another point about peerage. I've been reading some "outrageous" posts on Facebook from non-astrologers about why we can't predict earthquakes, plane crashes and other disasters. I think it's a great question!! Why on earth are newsfeeds flooded with astrological commentary AFTER an event has taken place? I think it comes down to a lack of cohesion: there is so much astrology can do and so many opportunities to do something useful but we're just not coordinated amongst ourselves so we can see who does what in astrology. We can't predict plane crashes because I suspect no one really knows how to do that (it would be an arduous process and a nightmare of data me thinks). But a global affiliation might be able to get people sharing the results of their research--and we wouldn't have to waste precious time re-explaining the same old points (there are 12 signs, not 13) ad nauseum. 

The Twelve Monkeys stage

I've been doing some serious time travel forward and backward and it got my head in a spin. Think about it: today is 31 March but I am already working on a book for 2016, making plans for 2017 and have just completed a monthly column for April. It gets a little confusing. Fun but a little overwhelming. When I was in India, fighting with the internet, I have to give up. I meant to get back to it when I returned but then I was just so involved with my job that I was seriously burning out. Something had to give and that was the unpaid job. A shame because I really did enjoy the challenge of it.

So to summarise, doing a star sign column did increase traffic to my blog but maybe this was because I was doing far more social networking (I didn't measure or isolate one factor from the other). Nor did I get more clients or sell more books because of it. I do think I became a better and more thoughtful astrologer because of all the practice I was getting but I'm not sure if, as astrology is so ill perceived by the public, we need another star sign columnist in the world. Having said this, I did decide to write a monthly column for an online magazine because I am allowed to present myself in a manner that sets me aside from other star sign columnists and I feel an affinity for the website. Would I consider a daily column? Yes if it allowed me to leave a job that sucks so much life out of me I can't focus on astrology. Yes I would.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Brave New World 2015

Picture from Big Sky Astrology
Despite the fact that the common definition of astrology tends to revolve around the ability to predict the future, the actual function of the ancient art is more to do with keeping track of cycles. All the planets have very predictable orbits that are calculated by astronomers and interpreted by astrologers.

This week there are a few significant cycles worth noting.

Firstly, two of the furthest planets from the sun, Uranus and Pluto have just completed a quarter of significant cycle. This cycle started in the early 1960s and has the astrological world abuzz with the importance. Simply put, it means some of the ideas of the 1960s are being challenged and put to the test. Astrologers work in different ways and therefore different opinions will be very common. My personal take on this event is that we, as a society, need to consider how we handle our technology. In particular, in my opinion, is the effect of the internet on our children. Do we need more control or more freedom? These are important questions we should be asking ourselves during this time.

Secondly, no doubt you’ve heard about tomorrow’s total eclipse. Eclipses are not “rare” as they can happen up to seven times per year (but usually only four). But what makes tomorrow’s eclipse special is that it takes place on the final degree of the zodiac. It is kind of the reincarnation point, the moment just before a re-birth. Many of us may be experiencing the need to let go of the old ways of doing things and clearing space for fresh experiences. Even if you don’t “believe” in astrology, you may find it helpful to have a little ceremonial clear out to make way for new, more up to date circumstances.

Just a few hours after the eclipse, the sun crosses the vernal equinox. For us in the western hemisphere, this means warmer weather, longer days and a freshening of the spirit that can only come once winter has been banished. The proximity of the eclipse and the vernal equinox is surely an opportunity to set aside our assumptions and see the world through the eyes of innocence.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Still Whoopsie

I'm still behind! Arrrrgggggg. . .

OK, so now we are at an ashram in Rishikesh in India (where the Beatles travelled to in the 1960s!!). The ashram is beautiful if a little rustic: the accommodation is basic as is the food but the meditation sessions have been incredible!! But the internet has been a little, um, competitive and therefore slow.

I will share a photo or two. This is of me wearing the gold and diamond necklace and emerald and diamond earrings given to me by my host at the Krishnamirti Institute as a prize for "Best International Astrologer 2015". I am, of course, bursting with pride and wanted to share with you the benefits of embracing your Jupiter transits. I'm so glad I had the faith to let go of a situation that simply was not working for me and accepting a few months of uncertainty. I've had to re-shift goals and re-prioritise certain objectives but overall, well. . . just look at the benefits!

Oh yeah. . .and um, I finally got a tiara!

Guess who has Progressed Moon on Algol?

Really sorry if you've been dropping in for daily horoscopes and they haven't been posted!! I am still in India and have been busy at the Silver Jubilee of the Krishnamirti Astrology Seminar! And I have news. . .yours truly was voted "Best International Astrologer, 2015" by the Krishnamirti Institute. Being the ever good astrologer (a-hem), I of course immediately checked the ephemeris for the moment I was called up on stage--and yes, yes, yes my progressed Moon in conjunct Algol!! So far my head remains firmly attached to my shoulders! And of course, as I have always said, Algol doesn't always mean a literal decapitation (thank goodness). It also signals that my progressed Moon will be moving out of Taurus for me soon and into the much more comfortable sign (for me, being a Mercurial person) of Gemini and will leave the 12th house shortly afterward. The photo shows me collecting the second certificate and trophy for honourary Jyotish Master of Astrology. Of course I am just absolutely delighted.

As for the star signs--I don't think there's much point in publishing them after the day. I will try to catch up and keep up. I will post a few more photos from the conference for Monday. Do forgive me for being a naughty (if very busy), reluctant star sign columnist!!

By the way, if you're missing the column, I would love it if you could leave a comment. Otherwise I might be able to use the excuse not enough people are interested and therefore it is not worth my time writing them! Thanks x

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Full Moon Fever Ahead

Photo by Wonder Bright
When the Moon is Full, it means it is in an opposition aspect to the Sun. Representing our emotions, intuition and motherly instinct, the Moon in this phase reflects our journey of the inner self at its halfway point. We are evaluating the harvest of our hard work and figuring out what went well and what we could do better. For this reason, the days before and after the Full Moon can feel a little stressful. The upcoming Full Moon in Cancer on 5th January 2015 (first Full Moon of the year!!) is a strong one and it stands in opposition to both the Sun and the God of the Underworld himself, Pluto whilst being square to Uranus (thus making a contentious T-square formation).
I have been saying in “Growing Pains” lectures for some time now that the Uranus-Pluto square demands that we have an honest look at what Mary Whitehouse was telling us way back during the conjunction between these two planets (in the mid sixties). If you remember, she was vilified for her conservative views on protecting children from what they were seeing on the television. Astrologically, Uranus rules technology whilst Pluto represents the hidden side of human nature: death, sex and other people’s money. Through the seven-fold square dance between these heavyweight planets over the past few years, we are just starting to understand the effect of the internet and hand held devices on our children. And we haven’t even scratched the surface of it yet. There’s much more to come in mid March 2015 with the final tango of this Uranus-Pluto square.
This particular Full Moon is stressful because it makes us look deeply into ourselves and face some very troubling truths. And yes, because Uranus and Pluto are implicated in this chapter of the journey, the care of our children is at stake.


Has your impatience and audacity in the workplace paid off? Chances are you are feeling you’ve rather over egged the bureaucratic pudding and are feeling a little silly for doing so. No time to feel sorry for yourself—push on and don’t lose your courage. But perhaps you could leave the oppositional defiant disorder for another day. Your boss is getting annoyed. Taking chances is all well and good if the rewards are truly worth the risks.

If you are planning a holiday or looking to start an educational course, it’s time to read the fine print. It isn’t easy to pull the wool over your eyes but these days, you need to put your reading glasses on. What you thought was a good, dependable investment may not be what it seems under scrutiny.  Also on your mind might be some ideas for home improvements. It’s a great idea but it needs some careful research and no matter how good it looks in the sales, make sure you look at a potential purchase thoroughly before you buy.

Finances have never been your thing because to you the ability to share information in all important. This month you will be confronted with all kinds of financial questions, ideas and speculations. It’s not your thing but you are being challenged to get to grips with it. Ignoring it will not make it go away. In fact, that kind of head in the sand tactic will only mean the problem gets much worse. It might be scary to face such huge, uncertain problems head on but if you can only hold them to the light, you will be rewarded.

As the Big Mother of the zodiac, you have always been willing to offer comfort to all creatures. As the Full Moon approaches, you may feel under scrutiny for your actions. Did you love enough? Or were you accepting when you should have been sharply critical? Children are notoriously ungrateful and judgmental. The challenge for you is to decide who is right and who needs a cold shoulder until an apology is offered.

The Full Moon questions your commitment to both your significant others and your workplace.  Despite the odd flaw here and there, you are magnificently generous person who wants to give of your time and talents. But you want to do it on your own terms and very often that means you want the credit for what you do. But what if you had to do everything with not so much as a little ‘thank you’? Would you still do it if nobody noticed? The temptation you face is to do something completely outrageous just to get a little attention. Don’t even think about it, Leo.

You have an excellent critical eye that can spot the smallest of flaws in even the grandest of schemes. You don’t like to say ‘I told you so’ too often but as you watch your friends bumbling through their romances, you can’t help but smirk and tell them you saw it coming. Resist that urge—it’s not worth wrecking your friendship.  What would be far more helpful would be to be the shoulder to cry on when it’s needed over the next few days. You’ll get your chance to say your piece but for now, use you compassionate common sense.

Being the peacemaker is a tough job but someone has to do it when everyone else has their hands full being seriously provocative. Family members are even colleagues continue their antics and worse, demanding that you take sides—and your significant other stands by in the sidelines watching the drama as if it were some sort of scientific experiment gone haywire. Do yourself a little favour and detach yourself, make some popcorn and enjoy the excitement without becoming personally involved.

You’re still breathing that sigh of relief that the crisis seems to be over. But don’t too comfortable. You have an awful lot to say and while you might think it’s just gentle banter, others are seriously offended and hurt by your opinions--even if they don’t react straight away. It may feel good to you to get things off your chest but you need to bear in mind your audience has a very good memory and your words may come back to haunt you. Button it for the moment. You’ll have your chance to say what you really mean another day.

Just when you think you got your finances in order BOOM, another crisis pops up. Being responsible for others sure puts a dampener on your freedom, doesn’t it? But the good news is that you can handle a crisis efficiently and effectively and very often without even breaking a sweat. Your professional skills may not seem to be useful in your own home but if you put them to good use, they will serve you well. Be cool baby and never let them see you sweat.

So you’re the one causing all these problems! You’re so ordered and structured (most of the time) that you feel very virtuous for following absolutely every rule in the book while just about everyone who has broken those same rules are in a crisis. Well played—but you’re not off the hook. Being the only secure one in the home means you have to dig everybody else out of the pit. And that’s going to cost you. The problem is that the more money you invest in solving the problem, the more costs keep going up until you’re forced to quite dramatically cut off the ties. Remember, you’re the one with the clout to call the shots.

To serve of be served? Neither of these options is to your liking but sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and do as you’re told. That is not to say you can’t add your own personal flair. In fact, you won’t be able to resist doing just that. As the propeller head techie of the zodiac, you have the ability to help the world come to grips with the crisis that is facing us. This is your chance to step up to the plate and tell us how to use technology to benefit the world rather than sharing photos of our cats of social networking sites.

Your idealism can often give people the impression your head is in the clouds (and they might be right) but your ability to keep the faith even under the harshest of fire keeps the rest of us buoyant. Everyone should thank you but, as you let people take advantage of you, you go unappreciated yet again. But only if you decide to let it happen. This Full Moon, your creativity knows no bounds and whilst it can be a bit daunting to get your stuff ‘out there’ it’s time you received the recognition you deserve. Go for it Pisces.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Star Sign Columnist?

I know, I know. . .what the hell has gotten into me.
Well, with a stellium of planets in my solar 7th house, I'm feeling provoked. And challenged. Like many other astrologers, I had taken the secret "I'm never going to be hungry enough to write a star sign column" oath wa-a-a-a-a-ay back when I first became an astrologer. I did this mainly because I realised how pointless they were very early on: I could never identify with my own star sign (Cancer) but could (and still do) resonate with my Moon in Leo (yeah I know Cancer rules the Moon). So this new stance is a big step for me. I'm not saying star signs are right (yet) but I now realise perhaps I'm being very unfair when I say how useless they are when I've never even tried to write a column. I have always understood that star sign columns take a lot of discipline to get out there every day but that has only just led to me asking 'why waste the time and energy?' and declaring 'I didn't study all those years with the FAS to churn out rubbish.'. But okay, I'll do this challenge just to see if anything changes. As it's taken me just over an hour to finish one day's horoscope, I'm already starting to question my sanity. Do I have the time to do this every day? Do I want to do it?
Well the answer to both questions is a Great Goddess Almighty 'NO'! But having already been congratulated by the Astrological Association's new Journal editor (Victor Olliver) for doing this challenge and assured by my buddy Jessica Adams that star signs are not only acceptable but needed for the astrology business, I want to give it a shot. I need business, right? (Actually I don't but how can a few more clients or book buying customers hurt?).
I am guilty of very often not giving my craft its fair due time and attention: I just went through a period of nearly 6 months with only about 10 entries of my blog (albeit some mighty fine writing went in there). Forcing myself to write (well post as I intend to bank a few days of writing in advance) a star sign column will certainly make me pick up an ephemeris a bit more often. And I kinda like the idea of being obligated to writing 600 or so words every day. I did "National Write a Novel In A Month" month four years running, right?
So here's how it's going to work:
  1. I'm going to post a daily horoscope column from today to the Spring Equinox. I will post the next day's column the night before.
  2. I am going to measure how many more people come to my Facebook page/re-tweet, share my blog, visit my website, buy my book, commit to my classes or arrange for consultations because of the daily horoscope column.
  3. I will keep a separate journal of my feelings as I write the column. 
  4. At the end of this experiment, I will post the difference in website traffic/business between now and 20 March 2015 (the spring equinox) as well as whether or not my feelings towards star signs have changed.
  5. Publicly (after this post), I will be positive towards this challenge. If Victor wants to publish the excerpts of my journal and the results as set out above when it's all done, it will be up to him.
  6. I have done a few little things like adding a pop up to my website and will add my own advertisement after every entry. I might change this as I get a little more au faux with such things as we go along.
  7. I will be receptive to any sensible advice I get along the way.
Just for a chuckle, I include the transits for my chart below.